Ayurvedic cleansing diet – Ama reducing foods

Posted on September 10, 2009. Filed under: ayurvedic healing | Tags: , , , , , , |

Ama is sticky and foul smelling residual that is a toxin in itself. Ayurvedic cleansing process aims at throwing out ama fro the body. Hence, it is essential that whenever we’re undergoing Ayurvedic cleansing process, we should avoid easting ama producing food items. On the other had, we should also try to eat those food items that reduce the level of ama in our body. Ama is formed in the digestive tract of the body.

This is formed from the food that we eat. In case that is not digested properly then ama is formed. This indigestion is caused due to our eating habits where we eat those food items that are alien for our body and our body id not used to eating it. Another reason for ama is taking food in inadequate quantity. In case you eat more food or less food, then also ama is formed. The food that is left over in our digestive tract continues to ferment, processed and become old and stale. In case this ama is produced for a very long period of time, this can travel to leave the digestive tract of the body. Then it reaches a weak part of the body elsewhere in our body and then settles there.

Food items that reduce ama includes all from the category of fruits, vegetables, Grains and Spices. The fruits that reduce ama levels in the body include cooked prunes and also figs. These should be eaten in the breakfast. Green leafy vegetables are excellent cleansing agents. The green leafy vegetables should be cooked in detoxifying spices. Cabbage is also very good in our cleansing action from the body. Light grains that are also nutritious such as barley, amaranth and quinoa are recommended by the experts. Among the spices, ginger, fennel, turmeric, fenugreek and also coriander are all those spices that reduce the ama level in our body.

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Ayurvedic cleansing diet – Ama producing foods

Posted on September 10, 2009. Filed under: Ayurvedic Detox | Tags: , , , , , , |

Ayurvedic cleansing diet is a means to avoid any piling up of toxins in our body. The best season for the cleansing activity of our body is the time between winters and springs which is usually an idle time also. This time period can be easily utilized to get rid of toxins that are produced and are piled up in our body for long duration of time. Also during the Ayurvedic cleansing process, special consideration has to be maintained for the diet we are consuming. This is called the Ayurvedic cleansing diet routine.

When following an Ayurvedic cleansing diet we should avoid ama producing foods. Ama is a product that is produced due to incomplete digestion of the food in our body. Ama is a sticky toxin produced due to indigestion and can clog the channels of our body that carry nutrients to the cells and also throws the waste out of our body. As Ayurvedic cleansing process is doe to get the ama out of our body. Hence, during the Ayurvedic cleansing process, we should avoid consuming any ama producing diet.

Ayurvedic expertise tells us that any left over food or dead food such as processed, packaged and canned food all produces ama. These foods including the frozen foods also produce ama in the body which in itself is a toxin. More over non organic foods that are those food items that are genetically modified, those which are grown with chemicals, pesticides and usage of chemical additives all produce ama. The natural intelligence of our body does not recognize these food items and hence are aliens to our digestive system. Thus such foods should be avoided.

Ayurvedic cleansing diet should not contain dairy products which are heavy such as hard cheese, deep fried and oily food, heavy dessert items and also refined sugar. These all items are hard to digests and hence produce ama. Thus such items should be avoided.

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Ayurvedic Detox Cleansing: Toxins

Posted on September 6, 2009. Filed under: Ayurvedic Detox | Tags: , , |

In Ayurveda, three types of toxins have been referred to. These are ama, garvisha and amavisha. The most common type of toxin is Ama. This is basically the waste product that is produced from the incomplete digestion of the food that we consume. Ama is sticky and foul smelling. This is formed in the digestive tract of the body. This is formed from the food that we eat; in case that is not digested properly then ama is formed. This indigestion is caused due to our eating habits where we eat those food items that are alien for our body and our body is not used to eating it.

Another reason for ama is taking food in inadequate quantity. In case you eat more food or less food, then also ama is formed. The food that is left over in our digestive tract continues to ferment, processed and become old and stale. In case this ama is produced for a very long period of time, this can travel to leave the digestive tract of the body. Then it reaches a weak part of the body elsewhere in our body and then settles there.
This ama produced and settled elsewhere away from the digestive tract of the body blocks the shrotas within the body. Shrotas are the micro circulatory channels in the body. Due to this blockage, the flow of micronutrients in the body is disrupted. This also disrupts the natural waste removal system of the body. Ama is basically produced in case the digestive fire, which is called the Agni is neither strong or is inadequate in the body. The remedy for this is to enhance this Agni which can be done by changing the dietary routine or by taking herbal supplements.
Ayurvedic Detox Cleansing process helps to get rid of ama produced in the body and in case it is retained somewhere in the body. Hence, this toxin is flown out of the body through Ayurvedic Detox Cleansing.

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