Ayurvedic cleansing diet – Ama reducing foods

Posted on September 10, 2009. Filed under: ayurvedic healing | Tags: , , , , , , |

Ama is sticky and foul smelling residual that is a toxin in itself. Ayurvedic cleansing process aims at throwing out ama fro the body. Hence, it is essential that whenever we’re undergoing Ayurvedic cleansing process, we should avoid easting ama producing food items. On the other had, we should also try to eat those food items that reduce the level of ama in our body. Ama is formed in the digestive tract of the body.

This is formed from the food that we eat. In case that is not digested properly then ama is formed. This indigestion is caused due to our eating habits where we eat those food items that are alien for our body and our body id not used to eating it. Another reason for ama is taking food in inadequate quantity. In case you eat more food or less food, then also ama is formed. The food that is left over in our digestive tract continues to ferment, processed and become old and stale. In case this ama is produced for a very long period of time, this can travel to leave the digestive tract of the body. Then it reaches a weak part of the body elsewhere in our body and then settles there.

Food items that reduce ama includes all from the category of fruits, vegetables, Grains and Spices. The fruits that reduce ama levels in the body include cooked prunes and also figs. These should be eaten in the breakfast. Green leafy vegetables are excellent cleansing agents. The green leafy vegetables should be cooked in detoxifying spices. Cabbage is also very good in our cleansing action from the body. Light grains that are also nutritious such as barley, amaranth and quinoa are recommended by the experts. Among the spices, ginger, fennel, turmeric, fenugreek and also coriander are all those spices that reduce the ama level in our body.

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