What is Ayurveda?

Posted on September 5, 2009. Filed under: ayurvedic healing | Tags: , |

Ayurveda is an ancient health practice originated in India. In spite of it’s age Ayurveda incorporates something advanced to western medicine. Ayurveda involves every part of a person’s live in practicing wellness.

The mind, the spirit, the diet, herbs, your relationships. All affect wellness and health.

Ayurvedic health practice can seem complicated at first but taken a step at a time understanding the goal of harmony will make it easier to incorporate in your life.

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good health practice for persons who live in india.. is there Ayurvedic in others countries?

yes there are Ayurveda practitioners worldwide. visit http://ayurvedichealingherbs.com for herbs

Ayurveda is has been practiced safely and effectively in India for the past 4,000 years. It must work otherwise Ayurveda would not have survived this long. It is holistic science that emphasizes prevention. It is also a lifestyle science as it incorporates in a daily lifestyle plan herbs, diet, exercise, and more.

Here is a website I have found information that is easy to understand.


Take their Dosha test, it is fun. Then once you know your Dosha you design a plan that includes herbs, diet, etc. It has helped me.


One product I take everyday is Nature’s Formulary Chyawanprash. It is tasty and really helps my energy level and immune system


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